about Silver Bird Creations

If you have reached this page, then we've probably met. Or you’ve met someone I’ve met…and so on! My name is Nicole and however you got here, I’m so happy you found me! 

 I am a one-woman operation that specializes in vintage-inspired, new and re-purposed goods and apparel. I’ve always been a ‘thrifter’ and being able to incorporate that in my business is a win-win. I love taking something old and making it brand new again but whether it’s a distressed, second-hand flannel, a brand new t-shirt, or a delicious scented candle, I’m always making new products and designs to keep things fresh. 

Most of my graphics are motivating and inspiring because not only do I want to share my creations with the world, I want to put positivity out there too. Then again, some of my graphics are snarky and let’s face it, we all need a little humor as well.

There are so many amazing things that people can spend their money on at a Market or online, so if you pick me, it’s like a little high five from the universe! Feel free to contact me if you have ideas or suggestions or if you would like me to make something just for you.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you come back often to see what I’m up to!